Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Boxes, boxes, boxes...

The students will be finishing their boxes tomorrow.  Thought you all might like to see the results of their foray into the world of three dimensional clay work.  They have managed to come up with some very nice pieces.   I still don't have any glazes yet, but I have been able to arrange for bisque and glaze firings until I get a kiln.

I didn't get to throw yesterday or today.  Today I cleaned the studio area I have been using, it was getting a little messy.  Yesterday I finished trimming, cutting, and stamping the work I threw last Friday.  I tried a pouring bottle shape, but didn't know quite what to do with it, so I experimented a little...

first time doing any faceting.  Then I stamped the bowl... it's about 7.5 - 8 inches across, about 5 -6 inches deep.  I didn't want to make the design too complicated...

I tried to make a slump mold plate, but it broke today while moving it.

I finished trimming this cake stand, but it will take a while to get this one dried out.  I hope it doesn't warp while drying.  I placed light weights around the base today to try and keep it flat.  I will bisque it upside down as well.  Do you think it will sag if it's glaze fired upright?  If so, any suggestions on how to keep it flat?

Well, it's late, and I need my beauty rest.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pressing on...

I've been trying to get the students motivated to finish their boxes by Thanksgiving.  Their design work is finished, with colorful cardboard maquettes:

now they just need to duplicate those designs in clay.  Some designs will be attached to the outside, some carved into, some through the sides, and some will carve away parts of the side completely.  Now if I can get the glazes ordered, I'll be in good shape!
     I have been trying to keep up with my 1-3 pieces a day, finished during my lunch and prep period.  So far I think I am a little ahead, with ten pieces ready to bisque... two finished today.  I have been experimenting with different shapes (trying to get back into the groove of throwing again).  So I made some stamps, and even tried pulling some handles.  Those didn't look pretty at all so I just roll out a large coil and flatten it out - seems to work so far.

Well, gotta run, have a great week!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Over the river and 'round the bay...

Sounds like most of you had a great weekend, and mine was no exception.  Early Saturday morning (0830 is early, right?)  with a back seat filled with pinch pots, I set out across the island to get them fired.  I did not know what to expect, as I had never seen the kiln.  The lady just told me on the phone that it was very big.  I finally get there, and the house is one that is being restored - pre WWII - with original wood and everything.  It sits on a back street in the historic section of the village where the streets are actually paved bullcart trails.

Needless to say, I was getting doubtful about the size of the kiln, and it's location.  So the nice lady, Judy Flores - a local batik artist, shows me around the house, with its exposed beams

 and original ifit (e-fit) wood floors.

She takes me to what was a 6ft X 10 ft bedroom, and sitting in the middle of the room is this beast:


About this time, I am saying to myself :YESSSSSSS,YESSSSSSS!  So I managed to get ALL of my student's works (68 pinch pots), all Her student's works, and my personal work (such as it is), in one load!
     I went back on Sunday after 4pm, and unloaded everything, and packed up my stuff.

 her student's slab mugs

  My work     

   My student's work (some)

So what do you do after unloading a great bisque load?  I suppose you could do like me and enjoy the scenery...

or you could always stop and take a ride...

Y'all have a great week!